Parents who face divorce may have a difficult legal battle ahead.…

Holidays are typically a great time to celebrate with friends…

If you have children and you are planning to divorce your spouse,…

When a judge awards custody to a parent, one of the factors that…

Many divorcing couples come to an amicable agreement regarding…

According to WomensLaw.org, domestic abuse is a common offense…

Most people are aware of the general concept of Miranda Rights,…

There are several different crimes under the umbrella of “domestic…

Arson is a serious offense in all states, and in Florida, these…

In Florida, kidnapping is the abduction, imprisonment or confinement…

The general concept of murder is relatively easy to understand.…

Domestic violence is a serious offense in all states, and most…

Each state has specific laws related to animal cruelty, and they…

Law enforcement personnel in most states show some degree of…

Kidnapping is a serious offense, and it is a problem that affects…

Recreational boating is popular in Florida, particularly during…

The state of Florida does not take drunk driving lightly, and…

Under most circumstances, people who are defending criminal charges…

Most arrest scenes in movies include some reference to the accused’s…

The state of Florida takes weapons charges seriously, and if…

Even if you do not consider the charges to be serious, an arrest…

Operating any machinery while under the influence of alcohol…

Drug abuse offenses garner a lot of attention from Florida law…

In the state of Florida, recreational boating is a major part…