Tag Archive for: Child Custody

What Factors Constitute a Child’s “Best Interests” in a Divorce? Naples Child Custody Attorney Explains
The divorce rate in the United States is high – in fact, it’s…

Can My Social Media Posts Harm My Child Custody Case?
Many people who are going through divorce rely on the support…

How Should I Prepare for a Custody Evaluation? 10 Tips from a Naples Child Custody Lawyer
A child custody evaluation can be a stressful experience. According…

My Ex Is Badmouthing Me to the Kids – Now What? 5 Tips from a Naples Child Custody Lawyer
Kids can make some off-the-wall statements, and you cannot always…

What Factors Affect Custody Rulings? Naples Child Custody Attorney Explains
Even amicable divorces can be legally complex. Asset division,…

Naples Child Custody Lawyer Explains Supervised Visitation in Florida
If you are going through a divorce – especially if you have…

Understanding Sole Custody in Florida
Child custody is a complex area of family law. As in most states,…

Factors to Consider When a Custodial Parent Wants to Move
When a judge awards custody to a parent, one of the factors that…

3 Factors Florida Courts Use to Determine Custody in Divorce Hearings
It is common knowledge that courts across the United States only…

The Dos and Don’ts of Working Through Child Custody
Divorce is never easy, especially if there are children involved.…